Madhavan A P

Research Assistant, Western Ghats

Madhavan assists and pursues the field of ecological research within the rainforests-tea mosaic of the Anamalai hills. He works with the long term monitoring, phenology and spatial distribution of endangered and vulnerable tree communities. Additionally he has worked with ERA in documenting and describing ecoregions across India with focus on landscape level indices, past baselines and mapping floristic compositions. Madhavan contributed illustrations and maps in the 'Last Ones Standing' booklet that documents the work of the Franklinia project. Within his personal experience he attempts to bridge a sentient approach to the biome through photography, writing, music, and fine art while being embedded within the scientific rigours of systematic observation.



Species distribution models and range shifts



Distribution models predict climate-related range alteration or extinction of eleven threatened tropical rainforest trees in the Western Ghats

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எஞ்சி நிற்கும் மரங்கள்

Guests Who Never Left



Guests Who Never Left