Journal Article


Lingaraja S. S.Swayam ChowdharyRashmi BhatSanjay Gubbi

Evaluating a survey landscape for tiger abundance in the confluence of the Western and Eastern Ghats

S. S. Lingaraja, Swayam Chowdhary, Rashmi Bhat & Sanjay Gubbi

Due to the current depleting trends in tiger populations, range countries have committed to double tiger numbers by the year 2022. However, some of the areas, including source sites, across the range countries lack scientifically estimated tiger numbers both at the larger landscape and at the protected area level. Here we report a population of tigers, from Biligirirangaswamy TempleTiger Reserve, using camera trap based capture-mark recapture in a spatially explicit Likelihood and Bayesian analyses that yielded an estimate of ~55tigers with a density of about 6.8 tigers/100 km2. Biligirirangaswamy Tiger Reserve nestled in a larger tiger landscape perhaps contributes dispersing individuals to the adjoining forests calling for integrated monitoring and management efforts for the entire landscape. This data set could help in designing long-term, landscape level plans, and outcomes.