Research Scholar, High Altitudes
I obtained my Masters degree in Wildlife Science from Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun in 2005. My master’s dissertation was an evaluation of population-density estimation approaches for tigers at Kanha Tiger Reserve, India. Subsequently I worked in the “All India Tiger Monitoring Project” carrying out the responsibilities of designing camera trap surveys, evaluating study design issues and assisting in radio-telemetry work. This was followed by a two year stint is the enchanting Sundarbans where I studied tigers in their unique mangrove habitat.
I am currently studying snow leopards in the Indian Trans-HImalayas to understand snow leopard habitat use at multiple spatial scales in multiple use landscapes.
A list of my publications is available at
My primary interests include carnivore ecology, animal behaviour and conservation biology. I run a blog about my experiences with nature, the species I study and the local communities I interact with at