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High Altitudes


Himkatha is a bi-annual newsletter published in English and Hindi that celebrates human-nature relationships among high mountain communities of the Western Himalaya.

Remoteness and tough weather conditions makes it difficult to get to these places. In the process, they have formed their own unique identity. Underlying this is a sacred bond that people share for the place which manifests in their folklore, traditions, beliefs, and way of life. With improvements in accessibility, these regions have become a subject of curiosity among explorers, academics: history, anthropology, geology and ecology.

​More recently, with a rise in tourism, travelers have reached these places and brought back stories depicting life from remote valleys that are broadcast regularly on popular digital media channels and online platforms. Despite all of this, seldom have we heard from the people of these regions and centered their narratives.

​Through HimKatha, we hope to explore and celebrate these local cultures, traditions, and practices that have stood the test of time. We want to amplify local voices and encourage communities to share their stories, experiences, and knowledge through the newsletter. While doing so, we hope not to shy away from discussing topics that concern the region.

We hope that you will make time to read Himkatha and join the dialogue. Read more:

हिमकथा हिंदी वेबसाइट के लिए:

And also do watch our video stories and subscribe to our YouTube channel: