
In Memoriam—Remembering Dr A.J.T. Johnsingh

We are deeply sad to share that Dr A. J. T. Johnsingh died today (7 June 2024) at age 78. With his demise, India has lost one of its foremost wildlife scientists and conservation champions. It's hard to believe Dr. Johnsingh is no longer with us because he was always brimming with curiosity, always so full of life. His death leaves a great void. 

Over the last few decades, Dr Johnsingh was instrumental in conservation of wildlife and natural areas across the length and breadth of India while mentoring hundreds of scientists, researchers, and protected area managers. His knowledge of natural history and field skills were legendary and he shared these engagingly and unstintingly with students building an enthusiasm for wildlife and conservation. He was a tireless communicator of scientific findings through his research as well as through countless popular articles and books, including as an editor of the encyclopaedic Mammals of South Asia volumes. As a scientist and conservationist of international renown, he wore his many awards and accolades lightly, always retaining his passion for wild spaces and jungle trails.

Farewell, Dr Johnsingh! We will miss your generosity as a teacher in sharing your remarkable natural history knowledge and observations, along with your humility to remain a student always while being attentive to and learning from those younger than you. We will miss your enthusiasm and endless curiosity, and above all, your love and concern for India's wildlife and wild spaces. You were a powerful presence and we loved you very much.